Tuesday 22 November 2011


Life, it's hard, but you survive, to prove to yourself you are worth it.

This poem talks about how a child was wounded, probably emotionally, and how the child kept living, to prove his father wrong about who the child was or something like that.

The second big idea is that the pain the child felt made him think he was unloved, alone and he was miserable for it. But that he later understood that the pain came from him loving people and suffering for that love.

In short, this poem tells people to keep fighting and that life is worth living with love.


Long shot

Medium long shot

Medium shot

Close up

Long shot

Medium long shot

Monday 14 November 2011

Poem: A lowly passing

T’is a lowly passing

Of an era,

T’is not something

For which to cry “Mea Culpa”.

T’is not something to escape,

T’is not a being thou might hide from,

No matter how dark thy cape,

No matter how far thoust run.

T’is an end,

T’is a beginning,

T’is a bend

In a road ongoing.

Be it death, be it love,

T’is up to the strengths above.