Tuesday 20 September 2011


Voila! Verify the Various sources of this Veritably Vivifying essay if you will. V for Vendetta, a Veritable Vacation of a View for the Valiant person Vagabonding Vacation on which there is no Vacillating from the Vacant Verity that is boredom. V for Vendetta, A movie that made a name for itself so well that it has been immortalised on the internet by Various groups and websites. The dialogues, the scenes, the music and the depth of the characters, along with the original twists in the story which is in itself amazing. All these things were put together to create an immortal movie that will last throughout the ages.



Sunday 11 September 2011


In the middle of the night, you wake up… you hear a sound coming from the kitchen. It’s your toaster, it’s working… After a second, two slices pop up with a ding. What else could you do? You eat them. Toast is great, it’s delicious and all kinds of other stuff, but its main qualities are that you can eat it at any time of the day. It can be made in innumerable ways, and to make it even more adaptable there are countless toppings to help please any kind of eater with any kind of craving.
One o’clock, five o’clock, twelve o’clock, TOAST! Toast can be made and eaten at any day. No matter if you wake up at two in the morning and have a craving, you can get your toaster and two slices of bread, and in three minutes you can have two beautiful slices of deliciousness on your table. And if at some point during the day, you’re making toast, and you realize you’re late for a meeting or such, no worries, put it in a container, and you can eat it later. It can be conserved for days, and when taken out of its container, it can be reheated. Although that might change the degree of crispiness of your toast, you shouldn’t worry, there are many other ways to toast toast, and it would only take an extra minute or so.

Yes, you heard me, it only takes a few minutes to toast, and even less if you want it less crunchy or less golden, toast can be made in an infinite amount of ways: Whether you leave it longer and it turns out nice, dark and crunchy, or if you put it in for only a minute, and it becomes a light gold. A single second can make the difference. That’s why there are uncountable ways of making toast. It can be toasted to fit the taste of anyone. Even the people who don’t especially like eating bread, since there are plenty of other things you can do to toast to make it even better. How? Keep reading.

Toast is great by itself, but wouldn’t the world be lonely if you were a grilled slice of bread? Of course it would! That’s why generations of people have come up with a huge variety of products that you can use as toppings for it. From chocolate, for those of you that feel depressed or simply need the calories, to peanut butter jelly time, if you feel like spicing your life up with a mix of tastes and flavours. With all these toppings, how could your toast be bad? With all those combinations, how could there not be a single one that fits your needs?
Imagine that the secret of toast creation disappeared; imagine what would happen to the bread industry, it would fall drastically, and without all that money, the world would plunge into another economic crisis. In desperation, countries would start fighting over land and the resources that come with it. Alliances would form, war would break out, and the nukes would be launched. After that, nothing, not even a miracle, could save us. An eye for an eye leaves the world radioactive.

Thursday 8 September 2011


In the middle of the night, you wake up… you hear a sound coming from the kitchen. It’s your toaster, it’s working… After a second, two slices pop up with a ding. What else could you do? You eat them. Toast is great, it’s delicious and all kinds of other stuff, but one of its main qualities is that you can eat it at any time of the day. If you wake up during the night with the munchies, it hits the spot. And you can eat as much as you want, it costs nearly nothing. If you need a quick breakfast, it only takes a few minutes to prepare and eat.

Yes, you heard me, it only takes a few minutes to toast, and even less if you want it less crunchy or less golden, toast can be made in an infinite amount of ways: Whether you leave it longer and it turns out nice, dark and crunchy, or if you put it in for only a minute, and it becomes a light gold. A single second can make the difference. That’s why there are uncountable ways of making toast. It can be toasted to fit the taste of anyone. Even the people who don’t especially like eating bread, since there are plenty of other things you can do to toast to make it even better. How? Keep reading.

Toast is great by itself, but wouldn’t the world be lonely for a grilled slice of bread? Of course it would! That’s why generations of people have come up with a huge variety of products that you can use as toppings for it. From chocolate, for those of you that feel depressed or simply need the calories, to peanut butter jelly time, if you feel like spicing your life up with a mix of tastes and flavours. With all these toppings, how could your toast be bad? With all those combinations, how could there not be a single one that fits your needs?

Thursday 1 September 2011

Awesome, am I not?

Awesome am I not?
With my ginger coloured hair,
I will rule the world.

You may mock us now,
But someday we will rise up,
Rule over you all.


How do I rebel if the corporate world owns everything I think is cool?

Honestly, I don’t want to rebel, first of all because even though the “corporate world” does own everything I like to wear etc…, they wouldn’t qualify it as cool. I wear things that most teens would never qualify as cool; I wear clothes that are “proper” as in nice shirts and long pants or jeans (that do NOT go down beneath my ass). The only times that I wear shorts, it’s with normal t-shirts without any importance in the labels. But for all I know, I could be one of those kids that follow fashion and the cool brands and all. I wouldn’t know, since I haven’t been in a non-uniform school in years, so I’m totally ignorant as to what is cool these days. There’s also the fact that fashion is much more open these days. A few years ago, the Mook look and the Midriff style were the basis of who was cool. Now, you’re cool as long as you find a style that suits you.

To rebel, there might be a way: use or create a style so terrible or so insulting that only a specific group of people will dare use it, then keep morphing it so no one will get bored of it. I believe the best way to make a new cool is to create your own little style, and keep it going with irregular changes. But the most important part would be to create it in a way that only the daredevils of society, or the mooks, would dare to implement it. A relatively good example would be “Insane Clown Posse”, which was so awful and insulting to different types of people that only a few thousand people would follow it out of a million. Of course, they were later swallowed up by the corporations and edited to be more pleasing.

Another way to (maybe) rebel would be to go the opposite way than the rest of the corporate world: the corporate world keeps changing to adapt to teenagers likings, but what if you took past styles and used them. Maybe changed them a little to suit you better, but nonetheless using styles that are “so last year”. This might throw off the corporations, and by the time they figured out what was happening, there would be a whole other bunch of styles that they thought no one would ever use again going on in the world.
The last way I can think of to rebel against all the styles and looks advertised by MTV and such is to have your own style, and I don’t mean your own as in you and your whole school or whatever, make one for yourself and stick with it. Whether it changes or not, whether the corporate world notices or not, create your own style either for you alone or for your group of friends. Make it good enough that you’re comfortable with it, but not so great as to inspire everyone to try it out. Create it like you were creating your own little town: look at all the other ones out there, take the parts of each that you like or that work, and mash it up to your liking. That’s probably the only real way to rebel against all those advertisements and such: create something awesome, but keep it contained to yourself and a very small group of people.

If everyone did that, and just worked independently or in minuscule groups, how could fashion keep up? With all those millions of teens out there, if every group of five of them had a different style, how could the companies keep up, how could they create something that fit all those styles together? There’s no way it could do that, and even if it managed to make something that was cool to 6000 different styles, they would never make enough profit from it to keep working, or from going bankrupt. So out of the three ways out of the corporate media loop, the last one is probably the most efficient and the least likely to get you beat up because of how insulting you are. You have to show your independence from the rest of the world. And if every teen does that, the media empire that has built up over all these years will crumble, unable to keep up.