Thursday 8 September 2011


In the middle of the night, you wake up… you hear a sound coming from the kitchen. It’s your toaster, it’s working… After a second, two slices pop up with a ding. What else could you do? You eat them. Toast is great, it’s delicious and all kinds of other stuff, but one of its main qualities is that you can eat it at any time of the day. If you wake up during the night with the munchies, it hits the spot. And you can eat as much as you want, it costs nearly nothing. If you need a quick breakfast, it only takes a few minutes to prepare and eat.

Yes, you heard me, it only takes a few minutes to toast, and even less if you want it less crunchy or less golden, toast can be made in an infinite amount of ways: Whether you leave it longer and it turns out nice, dark and crunchy, or if you put it in for only a minute, and it becomes a light gold. A single second can make the difference. That’s why there are uncountable ways of making toast. It can be toasted to fit the taste of anyone. Even the people who don’t especially like eating bread, since there are plenty of other things you can do to toast to make it even better. How? Keep reading.

Toast is great by itself, but wouldn’t the world be lonely for a grilled slice of bread? Of course it would! That’s why generations of people have come up with a huge variety of products that you can use as toppings for it. From chocolate, for those of you that feel depressed or simply need the calories, to peanut butter jelly time, if you feel like spicing your life up with a mix of tastes and flavours. With all these toppings, how could your toast be bad? With all those combinations, how could there not be a single one that fits your needs?

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