Sunday 16 October 2011

Empathy and Discipline

Empathy, the action of feeling another entity’s pain, whether it be physical or mental discomfort. Discipline, self discipline, discipline in a group, discipline enforced over someone else. Basically making sure that another entity will follow rules established by that same or another living being.

Empathy and discipline are two values that humanity in general really tries to enforce, even though both of these go against the very nature of Homo Sapiens Sapiens and every living thing to ever be present on this earth. Life and anything it is present in is destined and biologically programmed to fight for it using any means necessary. Empathy is a value that people think is very important to have to be viewed as a good human being. Technically, to be a good or a real human being, the values you would need are versatility, ruthlessness and a sense of what is appropriate in a community. Discipline is arguable on this kind of subject.

Discipline is a good human quality in certain situations. In a community, you need discipline to make sure it stays together. Alone, self discipline in a human being is nearly completely useless. The only way that not having a sense of discipline when living outside of a community is if you perform actions that might affect your health permanently and in the end might end your life.
Both discipline and empathy are abstract things. They can be shown physically in certain situations and in different ways. Discipline can be demonstrated through a multitude of situations depending on which kind of discipline we are trying to show, whether it be giving an order or forcing oneself to do something that one does not wish to do. The feeling of empathy, however, is much harder to show, if it is even really possible at all. One might claim that one may demonstrate it through acts of kindness, but that might be only that: kindness. Empathy is a completely invisible emotion or way of thinking. Empathy might be caused by neurons.

Neurons called mirror neurons, which are used, mainly physically, to make your own body feel what another is feeling. Once a human being sees another creature being hurt, mirror neurons act up and make him feel that pain as well, although on a smaller scale. It is possible that Homo Sapiens Sapiens’ brain has evolved in such a way that there are mirror nerves capable of reflecting emotions or feelings to the observer on a similar scale. It might also help if the observer had past experience in those very emotions since the neurons which react when these emotions are felt have done so before and can communicate that very information to the mirror nerves.

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